Superb Morocco Tour with New York Times Best Selling Author Caroline Myss Review
Thank you Alecia once again for making me look so good. Just returned home from a tour organized and hosted by Alecia Cohen! She hit a home run once again. This time I had New York Times, best selling author, Caroline Myss and 60 adult students. Each day was perfection to say the least. Thank you Alecia once again for making me look so good!
Alecia Cohen produces first class programs and tours and there's no one who I trust more when it comes to ensuring that all aspects of an event are handled in the most efficient way possible. Alecia`s accessibility, accountability and dedication to the needs of the attendees/guests are her cornerstones. Upholding the importance of relationships with others above all else, her ability to create trust and community is unparalleled. I would jump at the opportunity to take part in any experience Alecia creates!